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Measurement device for clutch discs

Measurement device for clutch discs

Automatic measurement device for functional reliability tests of pull-back springs on clutch discs

measurement device for clutch discs


A measurement device for clutch discs shall test the functional reliability of pull-back springs. Thereby the force in relation to the distance shall be measured. How can the relation force / distance be exactly established?


For establishing correctly the relation force / distance, position acquisition plays an important role. A clutch disc is positioned and locked in place on a conveyor belt. A plunger gets down until it reaches the clutch disc. The plunger is turned and thereby force and distance are measured. In order to find the absolute positions as fast and as accurately as possible, EnDat 2.2 encoders are used for the positioning of the axes. An APCI-8008 board acquires data from the EnDat 2.2 encoders and the position values are included in the regulating process. To get the force values, the APCI-8008 reads the measured values of the PCI pressure measurement board APCI-3300 directly via bus master access.

Product page APCI-8008

Product page APCI-3300